‘Close the Gap’
Dear Friends in Christ,
In the September 1, 2023 issue of Bell and Tower, we reported that over $160,000.00 had been pledged to the “Close the Gap” campaign. We are very pleased to report that the majority of those pledges have been fulfilled. Those donations—as well as some additional gifts to “Close the Gap”—have resulted in a little more than $160,000.00 being received to date.
We prayerfully and joyfully thank all those who have been so generous.
Some of you have asked questions about our financial status after receiving the Stewardship brochure. The treasurer’s report in that brochure included a chart that showed losses for several years that looked similar. What was missing is that we no longer have the capability to continue to sustain losses. Reserve funds and the Paycheck Protection Program funds we received during COVID have been almost depleted.
Hence the Treasurer’s statement “…we must increase our income at least 20% compared to what we planned for 2023.”
As Fr Robert wrote, your generosity enables Saint Philip’s “to change lives, to comfort those in need, to serve the community, and to worship the Lord with all the beauty human beings can make together.”
We are so very thankful for that generosity.
Please pray for the Wardens, Vestry and staff as they develop the plans to ensure the continued life of our wonderful parish.
John Bremond, Senior Warden
Herb Burton, Treasurer
Bonnie Winn, Junior Warden