A great start
Last Sunday, August 27, families, children, and youth were invited to tour the campus, see updated, refreshed classrooms, meet formation leaders, and learn about plans for the upcoming program year. The Rev’d Canon Jana Sundin, Canon for Children and Youth at the Diocese of Arizona, began orientation with an interactive talk about “belonging.”
The event finished with a delicious meal in the Murphey Gallery.
A big thank you to the many volunteers who helped with planning, served as tour guides, welcomed new families, and shared spirited hospitality. You are wonderful ambassadors and Saint Philip’s is very grateful.
If you missed orientation, then please come at 11:15am on Sunday, September 10, when the program year begins—including the Parents’ Formation group. All classrooms will be well marked and friendly formation leaders will look for you!
Contact Mtr Taylor at taylor.devine@stphilipstucson.org if you have questions.