CYFM orientation
The Children, Youth, and Families Ministry (CYFM) program year will begin on Sunday, September 10. CYFM offers formation opportunities every Sunday, in addition to other community and faith-building activities.
This Sunday, August 27, families can participate in an orientation following the 10:00am worship service. Click here to register for orientation.
9:30am-2:00pm Nursery care-Ferguson room
10:00am-11:00am Worship service-Church
11:00am-11:20am Bathroom break and snacks, find seating-Church
11:20am-11:45am “Belonging” with The Rev’d Canon Jana Sundin-Church
11:45am-12:45pm Tour of classrooms and registration
12:45pm-1:00pm Children and youth visit their formation rooms
1:00pm-1:20pm Parents and families gather-Children’s Chapel
1:20pm-2:00pm Family style meal-Murphey Gallery
Click here if you would like to register your child or youth to participate in CYFM this year. Registration helps ensure that all information about a child’s grade, allergies, and permission slips is current.
Please email Mtr Taylor at if you have any questions. Thank you!