Dispatch from Level II
EDITOR’S NOTE: The following dispatch is provided by Harriet Claiborne, Lead Formation Leader for Atrium II (grades 1-3).
“For a thousand years in your sight are like yesterday when it is past, or like a watch in the night.” —Psalm 90:4
Every fall, the Atrium II children have a precious opportunity to go outside and to think more deeply about the wonderful world God created. Last Sunday we lit a candle in our designated beginning spot behind the Children’s Chapel and listened to Genesis 1:1 read by one of our children.
Then the fun began. Little by little, we unrolled a fifty-meter ribbon. Our fingers felt the nubs on the grosgrain ribbon; each numb symbolized one day for us but a thousand for God. We talked about God’s sense of time and ours.
Ms Gaye held the ribbon secure in the Bible as Ms Hope, Dcn Ruthie, Ms Ann, and I walked with the children talking about everything God made—from the first planet, to fish in the waters, and plants and animals and people on earth. Mr Kyle took photos.
Even this bounty was not enough for God, who wanted creation to be with us. So in the small town of Bethlehem, a special baby was born. “Jesus!” the children cried out, as we noted symbols of a star for his birth and a cross for his redeeming love that is still alive today.
We marked the three periods of Salvation History with wooden scripture plaques and arrows. And where would we mark 2023 on our timeline? Ah, that marker always seems to move from Jesus’ time to closer to Parousia, when we will be filled with God, no longer suffering death or pain. The last question we ponder is, “Who is the one person who knows the answer to our question?” Invariably, as a group, the children shout, “God!” and then we return to the Atrium. Alleluia!