Dispatch from Level II
EDITOR’S NOTE: The following dispatch is provided by Harriet Claiborne, Lead Formation Leader for Atrium II (grades 1-3).
“A voice cries out: ‘In the wilderness, prepare the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.’ ” Isaiah 40: 3
These are the first words the children in Atrium II heard at the prayer table on the first Sunday of Advent. I love talking through this prophecy (verses 3-5) with the children every year.
Our discussion this year included walks in Sabino Canyon and elsewhere over somewhat rugged terrain. None of it resembled a highway.
As we talked about the desert and mountains in which we live, we remembered our work with the map of Israel. It‘s landscape is much like ours in Tucson.
The children considered what Isaiah could be telling us. Did he mean that we should aspire to level the physical valleys and mountains that we love? Or could the the unlevel terrain represent the peaks and valleys of regrettable things we have done or left undone?
The children talked about how to prepare for Jesus’ birth on Christmas morning. They changed the green prayer cloth to purple and placed an advent wreath on it. They lit the first candle for hope and talked about ways to prepare their hearts, through prayer and doing helpful things at home and at school, plus doing their best when accolyting and singing in choir.
May your Advent be blest with time to ponder who Jesus is in your life and what you can do to make a highway for God in your heart.