Dispatch from Level 2
By Harriet Claiborne, Lead Formation Leader for Atrium 2 (grades 1-3).
“Today, along with the whole church, we celebrate the greatest feast of the year, the feast of Easter, when Christ rose from the dead. God, we share in the Light!” —Beginning proclamation of the Liturgy of the Light
This coming Sunday, April 14, Atriums one and two, plus our older Storymaker friends (grades 4, 5, and 6) will move from darkness into the light as we experience what Jesus’ disciples must have felt at the first Easter. This is not a presentation we give to the children; it is a celebration we do with them, and one that is much loved by them, paralleling the Great Vigil of Easter.
Sofia Cavalletti, one of the founders of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, believed that what is proclaimed in the Bible is lived in the liturgy. Entering a darkened room, led by Christ’s light, we will hear the scriptural accounts of his resurrection, and we will light candles of our own from the Paschal Candle, pondering the proclamation that the light and presence of the Risen Christ are stronger than death and is shared with us, and among us.
There will be a time for singing and praying, and then placing our candles, one by one, beside the Paschal Candle on the prayer table. Jesus’ one light becomes many, and we all have a part to play in the abundant, beautiful growth of God’s kingdom on earth.
Blessed be the name of the Lord!