Grief Support Group
Because we’re human, we hurt. Because we’re human, we have tears to cry. Because we’re human, our hearts are broken. Because we’re human, we understand that loss is a universal language. Everybody grieves. —The Rev’d Jacqui Lewis
A new Grief Support Group will begin on Tuesday, January 23. It will meet in the library from 10:30am-12:00pm every Tuesday for eight weeks.
Grief is a journey. And while there is no single way to grieve, there are well-worn paths through sorrow and pain towards healing and wholeness. Loss and grief come in many forms leaving people feeling lonely and isolated.
Saint Philip’s will provide a book on grief to each attendee. The group will work its way through the book but it is not a curriculum. You may share your own story of loss as you’re ready.
If you would like to participate, please contact Carol Jones (former Parish Nurse at Saint Philip’s and retired Chaplain at Northwest Medical Center) at or at 520-271-7373 (cell).