Legacy of Faith
EDITOR’S NOTE: Legacy of Faith is made up of people who have made provisions in their will to support Saint Philip’s—and who have let the parish know of their plans.
In his weekly Daily Bread reflection for Sunday, February 4, Fr Robert reflected on Saint Philip’s Legacy of Faith.
Dear Friends in Christ,
Last night, Bishop Smith joined a group of parishioners who form a circle of folks called the Legacy of Faith. This group is comprised of people who have made provisions for Saint Philip’s in their will and whose plans we have on file.
It’s a varied group who have chosen to leave these legacy gifts for a variety of reasons. Like all of us, they have made Saint Philip’s a home. They have also chosen to take the additional step of ensuring that people long into the future will find it a home, too.
Ultimately, the work of our lives is to make meaning. For some this meaning-making will come by way of professional achievement. For others it will be through caring for their family. For others it will be charitable work. For others it will be as a beloved member of a community or group.
For the Christian, this meaning takes a particular shape. Our sense of meaning is mediated by the ministry and person of Christ. As we serve, love, worship, and pray we find ourselves drawn deeper into the shape of his own life. We are drawn deeper into the mystery of his death. We are drawn more fully into the power of his resurrection.
This Christian story provides the framework for our sense of meaning and purpose. The Legacy of Faith that we all share is, ultimately, his legacy of sacrificial love.
Making that Good News known takes resources. It takes sacrificial giving on the part of the people of God to share the Word of God. The group that gathered last night will help ensure that we are able to share that Word with faith, hope, and joy long into the future.
I pray that you’ll consider the Church in your will—and consider how you will make meaning, and build a legacy, with all the time, resources, and gifts God has given you.
Yours in Christ,
—Fr Robert
If you have questions about Legacy of Faith, please contact Nancy Atherton or Jane Prescott-Smith. Their contact information can be found in Breeze, Saint Philip’s online directory. (If you need help accessing Breeze, contact Kiki Cheney at kiki.cheney@stphilipstucson.org.)