The new year begins with a host of events.
Preparations for Confirmations, Receptions, and Affirmations of Faith
Saturday, January 6
5:00pm Holy Eucharist
6:00pm Dinner (vegan chili, pie, and king cake—plus an Epiphany bonfire with hot chocolate)
Forums in January
There will be forums 10:30am-11:00am on Sundays with Mtr Taylor and 6:45pm-7:45pm on Wednesdays (as part of Mosaic gatherings) with Fr Robert. (Childcare will be provided during all forums.)
These forums will offer an intensive dive into the prayers and practices of the Episcopal Church. While these forums are part of the preparation for those who will be confirmed, received, or reaffirm their faith on Sunday, February 4, everyone is invited to participate. This is a wonderful opportunity for spiritual and relational growth for longtime and newer parishioners of Saint Philip’s.
CYFM Ministry
Sunday School will resume on January 7. The parents’ formation group will meet socially on January 7 but for the remainder of the month it will participate in the Sunday forums.
Annual Meeting
On Sunday, January 28, there will be worship services at 7:45am and 10:00am. The Annual Meeting will run 11:15am-12:30pm.
Weekday liturgies resume the week of January 8
Monday-Thursday, Morning Prayer will be offered at 8:30am.
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, Holy Eucharist will be offered at 12:15pm.
On Wednesday, Evening Prayer will be celebrated at 5:15pm.