Parish snapshot
The RenewalWorks anonymous, confidential, online survey helps churches—and the individuals in them— refocus on spiritual growth and identify ways that God is calling them to grow.
The methodology has been tailored to the Episcopal tradition, adapting over 10 years of research that has uncovered key characteristics of flourishing congregations. It promises to inspire the engaged congregation and leadership to rediscover who Jesus is, and what it means to follow him.
Individual responses are combined and viewed as a group, providing a snapshot of the spiritual vitality of the congregation based on research from more than 1,800 churches (of all denominations) and almost 500,000 congregants.
Specific outcomes of the RenewalWorks process are unique to each parish, reflecting that community’s specific challenges and opportunities. They lead to the creation of specific congregation-wide growth initiatives which clarify and elevate expectations for clergy, lay leaders and individuals.