Photos and bios
At this year’s annual meeting the following three candidates will seek election to the 2024 Vestry:
Julia Annas
I am Regents Professor Emerita of Philosophy at the University of Arizona. I have a BA from Oxford and PhD from Harvard, and have taught at the University of Arizona since 1986 and previously as Fellow and Tutor at St Hugh’s College, Oxford. I was a founding editor of the journal Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, am a member of the American Philosophical Society and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and was President of the Pacific Division of the American Philosophical Association 2004-2005.
My research interests have focused on ancient and contemporary ethics, especially virtue ethics. I have written eight books, including The Morality of Happiness (1993), Platonic Ethics Old and New (1999), Intelligent Virtue (2011), and Virtue and Law in Plato and Beyond (2017). I have also edited eight books, produced an introductory textbook for ancient philosophy, and given invited talks at a range of universities in the U.S. and internationally.
My husband David Owen and I have been members of Saint Philip’s since 1986. Over the years I have given lots of formation presentations and served on art committees; I am presently on the Sacred Arts Committee and have just undertaken to be one of the Commissioners for Adult Formation. Now that I am retired, I am excited to contribute more time and energy to the church I have loved for so long, and hope to be able to do that on the Vestry.
C Friesen
I attended Saint Philip’s for the first time with my family in 2017. Ever since, we have been profoundly touched by this community’s practice of inclusive love; its embodiment of Jesus’ message of peace and justice for all people; its curation of beauty in nature and in human expression; and its commitment to enacting the most transcendent and empowering aspects of the Christian tradition. In my spare time, I teach at the university, coach ice hockey, and try to write things about topics that interest me.
Arnold H Kraus
My wife Barbara and I joined Saint Philip’s 54 years ago while students at the University of Arizona. Our three daughters were confirmed and married at Saint Philip’s, and my grandchildren were baptized here.
I had a 50 year career in the investment and financial services industry in Arizona and California. While living in San Francisco, I served on the Vestry at the Episcopal Church of Saint Mary the Virgin.
I am committed to the financial stability of this treasured spiritual place so it will be here in perpetuity for its members and our community.
My previous volunteer work for Saint Philip’s was serving two terms on the Preservation & Endowment Board—one of them as Treasurer.
I wish to thank the nominating committee for the honor of being considered for the Vestry.