A service opportunity
The “Cooling our Neighborhood”* project starts this coming week!
Saint Philip’s has partnered with local nonprofit, Watershed Management Group (WMG) and L.M. Prince Elementary School (at Prince and Stone Avenues). Volunteers will work with the Prince students and their families to design rain-harvesting gardens and plant trees. WMG will provide the training and installation expertise.
The training will be 6:00pm-7:00pm at Prince Elementary School on Tuesday, October 29 (with food available as of 5:30pm).
The work will take place 8:00am-12:00pm on Saturday, November 2, with a party at 12:00pm to reward everyone’s effort!
This is a wonderful opportunity for volunteers to make a difference. In addition to helping at the school, folks are needed to help prepare and/or deliver a simple lunch to Prince students and their families. Please contact Dcn Susan at susanerickson27@gmail.com or Landon Swanson at landonswanson27@gmail.com.
*Prince Elementary is in an economically disadvantaged area with a neighborhood “at environmental risk” with fewer shade trees and higher heat levels than other areas in town. The newly planted trees will provide much-needed shade, and the rain garden will enhance rainwater infiltration and lower temperatures—all of which will benefit the entire neighborhood.
Saint Philip’s is seeking donations to make up a shortfall in the grant funding it requested. $2,000.00 is needed to meet the original request. The money will be used to purchase trees, vegetation for the rain garden, and provide Prince Elementary families with “rain garden kits.”
Donations can be made online. Click the button below and choose “Cooling our neighborhood” from the drop-down options. Of course, check are also welcome. Please make them payable to “Saint Philip’s in the Hills” and write “Cooling our neighborhood” in the memo line. Thank you!