A full weekend
EDITOR’S NOTE: The following dispatch is provided by Harriet Claiborne, Lead Formation Leader for Atrium II (grades 1-3).
“I am the true vine…you are the branches.” —John 15: 1, 5
The Episcopal Church invites any baptized person to receive Communion. This means that children do not need to wait until they take a class on “First Communion” or Confirmation to participate in the Holy Eucharist. The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program at Saint Philip’s offers a layer of formation that invites third grade atrium children to discover Jesus, and his gift of the Eucharist, in a new way.
For the past four weeks, Piper, Quincy, Finnian, Maverick, and Brayden have met with Dcn Ruthie and me. We’ve read and meditated on portions of the New Testament, with the above verse as the central focus.
The children, Dcn Ruthie, and I will be on retreat, beginning this afternoon, February 9, and continuing all day Saturday. The children will make Anglican rosaries, bake bread, decorate candles, and experience first confession, as well as other activities. It will be a full weekend!
The service of Solemn Communion will take place at the 9:00am service this Sunday, February 11. Following the worship service, all are invited to celebrate the children’s achievement, along with their family and friends, with a reception in the Perry Garden—weather permitting—or in the Murphey Gallery. There will be cake!
Please keep Piper, Quincy, Finnian, Maverick, Brayden, Dcn Ruthie, and me in your prayers. Thank you!