Finding Jesus
By Edina Hall, Saint Philip’s Jr Youth Formation co-leader
One of the great joys in my life is spending time with the amazing junior youth at Saint Philip’s. They are in 7th and 8th grades testing new boundaries of independence in thoughts and deeds, yet still wonderfully playful.
This past Sunday’s formation exercise underlined that lovely symbiosis.
The junior youth hid approximately 90 tiny Jesus figures around Saint Philip’s campus. There were just 3 guidelines for a hiding spot:
It had to be high enough that only adults could find them (to avoid any choking hazard for children).
It couldn’t be part of a sacred space.
It couldn’t interfere with any machinery.
What prompted this fun activity? Our discussion about how we can find Jesus everywhere but we won’t find him unless we are looking. And that he’s found in obvious, as well as unexpected places.
Easter is a joyous season and last Sunday we had some fun wrapped up in a theological bow, if you will. The kids loved it!
*There is a figure hidden in the Murphey Gallery. A special prize to the person who finds it.
Feel free to keep your Jesus figure, pass it on so someone else, or hide it again for the next seeker.