Volunteers needed
Several engineering projects will take place in the library this summer. Before they can begin, however, the library must be empty. That means all books, furniture, and artwork must be removed.
What are the projects?
One project will repair damage the north wall has sustained from years of rain water draining onto it. The wall will be restored and the flow of water re-directed.
Another project will repair one of the trusses that supports the library’s roof. This project in particular is why the library needs to be emptied. Part of the repair will require a huge piece of metal and room will be needed to manipulate it.
How can volunteers help?
Volunteers are needed to help tape boxes together, fill the boxes with books, and then move the boxes to La Parroquia.
What is the timing?
The goal is to have the books out of the library by the end of May. (This is the perfect time to return any books that you might have signed out from the library.)
Dcn Leah Sandwell-Weiss will share her experience as a reference law librarian and oversee this initial phase of work.
If you are able to help with this effort, please email Mtr Mary at mary.trainor@stphilipstucson.org. Thank you!