Mass in B Minor
Saint Philip’s will end its season of First Sunday Music the way it began: with music by J.S. Bach.
All are invited this Sunday, May 5, to hear the choirs sing the Symbolum Nicenum from the Mass in B Minor—the centerpiece of one of the greatest religious works of all time.
The two opening Voluntary pieces will be sung beginning at 8:50am and 11:05am. Don’t miss a note and arrive early!
Saint Philip’s soloists, choirs, and chamber orchestra will lead the congregation through the words of the Nicene Creed, interpreted through the lens of all of Bachian compositional techniques—from strict polyphony through galant arias and duets, from depths of despair in the “Cruxifixus” to the heights of joyous praise in “Et resurrexit.”
This will be a rare performance sung in the context of Sunday morning Eucharistic liturgy at both 9:00am and 11:15am.