A national call
Saint Philip’s will host the Arizona Committee of the Poor People’s Campaign when it live-streams the Mass Poor People’s & Low-Wage Worker’s Assembly and Moral March live from Washington, DC.
The event will begin at 7:00am on Saturday, June 29, in the East Murphey Gallery. Coffee, tea, water, and juice, as well as breakfast snacks will be available.
All are invited to show support and to learn more about what the Poor People’s Campaign is about. Hear inspiring talks by Bishop Barber and the Rev’d Theo Harris. Watch the throngs of people who traveled to Washington to participate and lift up the voices of the poor and disregarded.
For more information about PPC and the March, go to poorpeoplescampaign.org and click on Events. For more information about the live-stream event at 7:00am on Saturday, June 29, contact parishioner Nancy Atherton at ncatherton@gmail.com.