Youth choir
All children ages 9-high school are invited to participate in Saint Philip’s annual Saint Nicholas Youth Choir Retreat from 9:00am-12:00pm on Saturday, August 24. The morning will end with a shared lunch in the Children’s Chapel.
Children and youth have a unique opportunity with Saint Philip’s music program. Participating in the choir helps them develop their voices, acquire musical literacy, learn how to work in an ensemble, serve in various liturgies, build friendships, and experience a spiritual vocation—all without a hefty tuition payment.
Choristers who earn a second-year award from the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) are also eligible to serve in a week-long choral residency at a UK cathedral. This is one of the great highlights of Saint Philip’s choir program, and funds are raised to cover the youths’ travel expenses. The choristers can also apply for scholarships to attend regional summer choir courses with the RSCM.
If your child is 7 or 8 years old and you’re interested in exploring their participation in the choir, then know that Saint Philip’s is committed to recruiting younger children and Dr Justin Appel, Director of Music, will be happy to speak with you and your child.
No prior singing experience is necessary.
If you are interested in having your child be a “chorister for a day,” then email Justin at