Make a difference
Saint Philip’s Prison Ministry is excited to begin organizing now for an event that will culminate in December: Project Angel Tree.
This program of Prison Fellowship Ministries has been providing children Christmas gifts on behalf of their mothers and fathers in prison for over 30 years.
There will be a variety of opportunities for volunteers—some will be on-going and others will involve only a single task.
Parishioner and volunteer Kyle Kim-Hays has been active in Project Angel Tree for many years, and has brought the program to different churches. He will offer two information sessions for everyone who is curious to learn more:
An in-person session at 11:15am in La Paz on Sunday, August 25
A Zoom session at 4:00pm (Tucson time) on Monday, August 26
Click here to learn more about Prison Fellowship and the Angel Tree Project. If you would like to connect with Kyle prior to the information session, please email him at