‘The Book of Joy’
Saint Philip’s discussion group will resume meetings on Thursday, September 5. The book for topic discussion will be The Book of Joy by the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu with Douglas Abrams.
Gatherings are 1:00pm-2:30pm every Thursday via Zoom and all are invited.
The group considers questions such as: What does the Bible say about aging and health? What is the church’s role? How does the church include and care for people as they transition into an older stage of life?
Have you ever felt stuck in a time-warp struggling to stay afloat in the present and future for which you feel ill-equipped?
In this small group discussion, participants share their stories and learn that life is full of possibilities and each new day brings gifts. Old roles can be shed. Humor and silliness are encouraged. And expressing worry about the unknown is allowed.
Meetings generally follow the following format:
Opening prayer
Discussion guided by a chapter from a current book
Stories and examples (funny and serious) are shared
Input from an occasional guest speaker
Closing prayer
Contact Carol Jones at cjcj_64@msn.com with any questions.