Make a difference
Enthusiasm and excitement are growing for the “Cooling our Neighborhood” project, funded in part by the Creation Care division of ECUSA. This is a joint endeavor by the Creation Care Commission, Children Youth and Families Ministry, and the Anti-Racism Discussion Group at Saint Philip’s in the Hills.
The parish will partner with the local nonprofit Watershed Management Group (WMG) and L.M. Prince Elementary School (at Prince and Stone Avenues). Volunteers will work with the students and staff at Prince to design the rain garden and WMG will provide the training and installation expertise.
Prince Elementary School serves an economically disadvantaged, “at environmental risk” (fewer trees, less shade, and higher heat levels) population, with 100% of students enrolled in the federally subsidized lunch program.
The grant procured by Saint Philip’s will be used to build a rain garden and plant trees at Prince Elementary School. These trees will provide much-needed shade, while the rain garden will enhance rainwater infiltration and lower temperatures which will benefit the entire neighborhood.
A rain garden
The funding also provides the opportunity for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders and their families at Prince and Saint Philip’s to learn about rain gardens and water harvesting. These families (other volunteers welcome!) will work together on planting day, Saturday, November 2, to complete the work. There will be a celebration lunch after the morning planting session.
Saint Philip’s is seeking donations to make up a $4,000.00 shortfall in the grant funding originally requested. The money will be used to fund the purchase of trees, vegetation for the rain garden, and provide Prince Elementary families with “rain garden kits” for their personal residences.
Donations can be made by check (only) to Saint Philip’s in the Hills with the designation “Cooling our Neighborhoods” in the information line.
For more information, contact Erika Johnson (, Jane Prescott-Smith ( or Barbara Cone ( Thank you!