Across generations
Sunday morning formation for the 2024-2025 program year will begin 11:30am-12:30pm this Sunday, September 8.
The church has a unique calling to be intergenerational and acknowledge the gifts and challenges of every generation—recognizing Christ in each. This process is not uncomplicated but it is grounded in our value of relationships.
It is through relationships that we are formed to love God, our neighbors, and ourselves. At Saint Philip’s we pray that we can continue to grow into a community that is joyfully intergenerational.
We believe that children, youth, and their parents are full mission partners of the Church, disciples of Jesus Christ, and are called to ministry in distinctive (and distinctively different!) ways.
We honor, encourage, and support these calls by creating space through formation opportunities that allow for life-changing encounters with the Holy One of Love.
Parents’ Formation Group
Parents’ formation will be held in the Saint Nicholas Center (previously the Children’s Chapel) near the Children’s Courtyard.
This year’s facilitators are parents Leslie Farland and Mark Stankevitz.
Parents are the principle agents of spiritual formation in the lives of their children. And while their own growth in the Spirit will necessarily have much to do with their vocations as parents, they also have formation needs by virtue of their vocation as Christians.
This community is a place for parents and caregivers to discuss Episcopal traditions, share parenting joys and challenges, and enjoy camaraderie.