Krista Hinman
EDITOR’S NOTE: A church community is created when people gather together for the love of God. At the same time, Saint Philip’s is comprised of many people who represent different ages, life experiences, and world views.
The “In conversation…” series is one attempt to create possibilities for connection between the different people in our community. As varied as we all are, there are also similarities and mutual interests waiting to be discovered. And there is one thing we all share: a desire to know God and be in relationship with him.
This week’s conversation is with Saint Philip’s parishioner and volunteer, Krista Hinman.
How long have you worshiped at Saint Philip’s?
Since the middle of 2022 when I moved to Tucson.
Which service do you typically attend?
The 9:00am service.
Were you raised in a faith tradition?
I’m a cradle Episcopalian.
How are you involved in the parish?
I volunteer with the Altar Guild and help prepare the meal for Primavera Foundation’s men shelter on the third Sunday of every month. I also participate in worship every Sunday.
You jumped in as a volunteer right away. What prompted that?
I wanted to be part of this community, and I’ve learned that people are glad to receive you if you show that you want to help and get involved. And that’s happened here, too.
What’s one of your guiding principles?
Let’s see what happens!
Can you share an example of following that principle?
I was traveling through Denver when I decided to stop there. I thought, “This feels good and I’m sure I’ll find a place to live and get a job.” And I did.
I lived in Denver for six years, and had a wonderful experience.
What’s something you’re passionate about?
Trying to find ways to help people. Housing, women’s rights, voting, the environment—all those issues are important and close to my heart.
What do you do professionally?
I was a Graphic Designer and Art Director for 20 years. But during those same 20 years I also volunteered with nonprofits—and I now work as a grant writer for nonprofits.
Where do you volunteer in addition to Saint Philip’s?
I’m part of Junior League of Tucson which connects me with several nonprofits. I also volunteer for the League of Women Voters of Greater Tucson.
What’s one of your super powers?
I’m a connector. I’m good at bringing people from different groups together—usually to help a cause. That’s probably why I love to meet people.
What’s something you’re proud of?
I’m proud of living and working in Saudi Arabia.
How did that come to pass?
I implemented my principle, “Let’s see what happens!”
I saw a job listing to teach graphic design at a women’s college and thought, “Why not?” I didn’t expect to be hired so waited to tell my friends or family about the job until I had my plane ticket. We were all surprised!
What was the experience like?
It was greater than I dreamed it would be.
I taught during the school year and returned to the United States in the summer. I renewed my contract twice so I taught for a total of three years.
Teachers were discouraged from fraternizing with the students, but even the limited social interactions showed me that we’re very much the same underneath the different expectations for dress and behavior.
Being in Saudi Arabia offered the opportunity to visit Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, and Israel. It was a great jumping off point to visit places I never thought I’d see in person. My only regret is not having visited Greece.
Where did you acquire your beautiful southern accent?
I grew up in a suburb of Memphis in the Diocese of Mississippi.
How do you replenish yourself?
I love sports and have fun creating shirts to wear for different teams I follow. I’ve also started doing some glass etching.
What’s one of your core values?
Integrity. Not everyone agrees with me about causes I care about but I persevere. I’m a white woman who isn’t affected by some of our laws but I have friends who belong to groups that are—and that motivates me to press on and stay true to what I believe.
What might people be surprised to learn about you?
That as fiercely protective as I can be, I also cry really easily. Maybe it’s because I care so much.
What’s something you’re grateful for?
My parents. They supported my sister and me no matter what we chose to do. And they were very generous and extremely active in their church—which is probably why I am, too.
What’s a fun fact about you?
I’ve traveled to the opposite side of the world but haven’t been to any of the New England states. That’s on my bucket list.
Missed an interview? All previous interviews can be found on Saint Philip’s website under the “About Us” tab. Click here to visit that page.