Last week for nominations
By The Rt Rev’d Jennifer A. Reddall, sixth bishop of Arizona
Jesus called disciples and then sent them out and trusted them with the mission of the Gospel. Generation after generation in the church, clergy and lay leaders have prayed about, interpreted, and acted on that mission.
Each of our congregations does this, and we do this on a diocesan level, as well. This is the last week we are receiving nominations for two important diocesan elected ministries: Disciplinary Board and Standing Committee.
The Disciplinary Board is a canonically required group of five clergy and four lay members. They elect a President each year who serves actively on the Reference Panel as clergy discipline issues arise. The rest of the Disciplinary Board is only called to serve actively if a disciplinary matter moves beyond the Reference Panel stage into a Hearing Panel or Conference Panel. You can nominate yourself here.
People who would be good candidates to serve on the disciplinary board would have skills in:
Compassion and Reconciliation
A willingness to learn about the Title IV disciplinary process, and follow its canons
Experience with congregational life, leadership, and best practices
The Standing Committee is the governing body of the Diocese between Conventions, and a council of advice for me. They meet monthly over Zoom. You can nominate yourself here.
People who would be good candidates to serve on the Standing Committee would have skills in:
Strategic thinking
Expertise in any of the following areas: finance, congregational development, leadership
Together these bodies—and many others—support our diocese in executing our mission:
Follow Jesus. Grow in Faith. Walk in Love.
Thank you for considering your call.