A list of events

By The Rt Rev’d Jennifer A. Reddall, sixth bishop of Arizona

It is a huge week for the nation, and there are also many critical things going on in our diocese. This E-pistle is perhaps a reflection of the scattered nature of my own thoughts, prayers, and actions.

Presiding Bishop Sean Rowe’s Investiture as our Presiding Bishop can be watched online at 8:00am this Saturday, November 2. The “roll call” of dioceses begins at 6:30am.

The final Ecumenical Prayer Vigil for the Election will be at 12:00pm on Monday, November 4, at Sun City Christian Church.  

Arizona Faith Network is offering a Zoom Prayer vigil at 6:30pm on November 4. 

The Episcopal Church is hosting an online Election Night Prayer Vigil from 6:00pm to 8:00pm Arizona time on Tuesday, November 5. Presiding Bishop Sean Rowe will offer opening prayers and reflections at this vigil.

Following up on topics that came up at the Diocesan Convention, we have a survey for all those who are interested in continuing the relationship with Bishop John Orina Omangi and the Diocese of Upper Southern Nyanza-Kisii in Kenya.

We have a second survey for all those interested in helping to shape the future of the Canon for Youth and Children position. 

Finally, I encourage members of our congregation to join me this Advent in reading daily meditations on the psalms in Show Me Your Ways, O Lord: Devotions on the Psalms of Advent. This book has brief meditations on Advent psalms by a group of Episcopal leaders; and is available for purchase at Forward Movement’s website, or at other online booksellers.