Staffing shifts
By The Rt Rev’d Jennifer A. Reddall, sixth bishop of Arizona
The combination of planning for the 2024 Financial Statement of Mission for the Diocese and the departure of Liz Hansen as our Director of Finance and Property has led to some important shifts in staff responsibilities.
Toni Murdock is moving into the Finance Department to serve as the Finance Assistant for Property. Toni will be taking on property management responsibilities for 110 and 114 West Roosevelt Street, and be the liaison for congregational missions in their property needs, including the reimagining of St. Stephen’s, Douglas, which has added a significant amount of work to our diocesan property responsibilities. Toni will also be picking up additional work in the Finance department around Mission Share and other areas and will continue her ministry facilitating Anti-Racism cohorts and hosting the monthly Church Administrator Zoom.
Serrena Fuentes continues as my Executive Assistant but is now taking on primary responsibility for Diocesan Events in addition to her work directly for me. This is the setup in many dioceses (including our own at one point) and she will serve as the lead contact for the Diocesan Convention, Lay Leadership Retreat, Clergy Retreat, and events like Confirmations and Ordinations.
Dawn Jackson continues as the Assistant to the Canon to the Ordinary and for Ministry and will be the primary contact for a few diocesan events, such as the Deacon Retreat, where our staff supervises practical arrangements but not programs.
I am grateful to each of these staff members for their skills and flexibility. And I ask your prayers for our search for a new Director of Finance and Operations. We have interviewed several good candidates, and are moving into a final phase of that search.