Mtr Mary Trainor

Let me see again

Dear friend,

Eddie was 9 years old when we met. By all appearances, he was a regular kid—except he wasn’t. Eddie attended a special school, where everyone hoped he could catch up to grade level—and learn to manage the violent rage that erupted so quickly and so often.

I was blessed to witness one occasion in which his whole countenance was transformed, softened, in the presence of love. 


In today’s Gospel from Mark, Jesus and followers are leaving Jericho on their way to Jerusalem. A beggar named Bartimaeus rushes toward Jesus, who asks what he wants: My teacher, let me see again. And it was so. Bartimaeus knew what it was like to see--he remembered colors and rainbows and clouds and day and night and animals and women and children. He wanted to see that beautiful world again.


Eddie’s mother never sent a lunch. So  when sack lunches were distributed, Eddie didn’t get one—which embarrassed him. He didn’t go hungry because staff gave him food--but it made him stand out, an object of pity. He wanted a sack lunch like all the other kids had.

Watching this, one staff member decided to be Eddie’s angel, and brought a sack lunch with his name in the bag.

As  lunches were distributed, the teacher held up a bag and called out, “Eddie!” 

He whirled around to notice a colorful bag with his name on it. “Where’d this come from,” he asked, pulling out all the goodies. A sandwich. A bag of chips. A package of Hostess chocolate cupcakes with squiggles of white on top. And a banana. Not just a lunch, but a great lunch.

This was a kid who did not smile, but Eddie smiled that day. He had encountered grace. He met the holy, delivered to him in a paper sack, by an angel who chose to be anonymous.

Having witnessed grace at least once in his life, I pray Eddie was able to call up that memory on future bleak days. And smile.

Mtr Mary