Justin Appel

Dear Friends,

Today is the feast of St. Julian of Norwich (c. 1343-1416), English anchoress and beloved mystic and theologian. I found this particular discussion of Julian’s Revelations to be especially useful to contextualize elements of her writings. I hope you find her theological vision to be as reassuring as I have!

In honor of the day, I would also like to share a new choral composition of a text by St. Julian by the British composer Judith Wier, We sekyn here rest:

…we sekyn here rest in these things that is so littil, wherein is no rest, and know not our God that is almighty, al wise, al gode; for he is the very rest. God will be knowen, and him liketh that we rest in him; for all that is beneth him sufficeth not us; and this is the cause why that no soule is restid till it is nowted of all things that is made.

You can find a modern English translation of St. Julian’s text in the description just below the video. 

Happy feast day!

Yours in Christ,
