Dcn Anne Strong
Acts 7: 44-48
Hello Sisters and Brothers:
“Heaven is my throne and the earth is my foot stool.”
Acts 7 was Stephen’s speech to the Sanhedrin. Stephen was one of the first deacons—the original seven (not to be confused with the Magnificent Seven).
They were appointed by the Apostles to distribute food and care for those in need. They were servants.
Stephen was a man “full of faith and the Holy Spirit.” It is said that Stephen radiated the Spirit and his love for God shone through and many people noticed.
As a deacon my heart warms at the wisdom and spirit of the first deacons. I have no doubt that the Holy Spirit empowered Stephen in his testimony…sharing his beliefs that “God’s presence is not confined to the temple, pointing out that God never asked for such elegance or icons; nor can a temple contain God.”
This was blasphemy and Stephen knew it. His focus was not on earthly values, but rather upon his eternal life with God. His full surrender to his priorities, in my opinion, enabled Stephen to be obedient to God. His Holy Spirit fueled his eloquence and passion. Stephen became a martyr for Christ after being stoned to death for speaking his heart.
I admire Stephen and my soul is touched by one of the first deacon's ability to speak the truth in love. I feel compelled to question my own commitment: have I totally surrendered? Do I feel I am important to God? Stephen’s testimony served as a wake up call, reminding me that the Church does not contain God exclusively.
Last Sunday in church, praying the liturgy of the Holy Eucharist, I asked God to tell me the meaning of it all. Surprise—I had a near immediate response. “The people, Anne. It is about my people.”
Each morning I awake and thank God for another day. I then ask the question, “How will you use me?”
Please join me in this petition.
Your faithful deacon,
—Anne +