First Sunday drive
On the first Sunday of every month, Saint Philip’s Feeding Ministry organizes a collection of food and/or other items to support the parish’s food pantry or community non-profits.
On Sunday, March 6, Saint Philip’s Feeding Ministry will be grateful to receive donations to support the parish’s food pantry and the Pima Animal Care Center.
You can leave contributions on the wooden chest outside the side entrance to the church. Or you can drop them off outside the East Gallery between 11:30am-12:30pm.
The food pantry is open every Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00am-1:00pm and you can drop off donations then, as well.
In addition to cat and dog food, the following items are also needed:
fresh citrus and any extra fruit your trees may have produced
canned fruit
canned meat
canned vegetables
peanut butter (only plastic jars)
ramen noodles
spaghetti sauce (no glass jars)
water (in plastic bottles)
Drivers needed
Drivers are needed on the occasional Saturday to pick up fresh produce for the food pantry that is provided by POWWOW (Produce on Wheels Without Waste). Email parishioner Nancy Atherton ( if you can help in this way.
Interfaith Community Services (ICS)
Saint Philip’s non-profit partner is also holding a drive this weekend—specifically for pasta and spaghetti sauce (not in glass jars). If you would like to contribute these items, they can be dropped off at the locations noted above; just identify them as donations for ICS.
Thank you!