Bible study groups
Saint Philip’s is fortunate to have two Bible study groups. Each offers a different focus for its members, and newcomers are always welcome.
Tuesday Bible study group
This group is open to men and women, and meets at 10:00am every Tuesday for 60 minutes. Members are currently making their way through the Book of Genesis by reading and discussing a chapter every week.
Meetings are currently held via Zoom. If you are interested in participating—or learning more details—contact Dcn Susan Erickson at
Women’s Bible study group
This group meets at 6:30pm every Wednesday for 60-90 minutes. Members discuss readings based on a theme, and the conversations are often assisted by a helpful book.
The group is currently reading some of the parables with Amy-Jill Levine’s book Short Stories from Jesus.
Examples of the group’s focus the past two years include wisdom literature and stories from the Apocrypha (Judith, Esther, Tobias, Daniel, Susanna), parts of Isaiah with John Goldingay’s book Isaiah for Everyone, and the Gospel of John in Sarah Ruden’s new translation.
Meetings are currently held via Zoom. Anyone interested in participating should contact parishioner Camille Salisbury at to receive the Zoom link.