Volunteer opportunity
All pets and their owners are invited to Saint Philip’s annual animal blessing at 9:00am on Saturday, October 5. The doors to the church will open at 8:30am so everyone can find a seat and enjoy the cooler inside temperature.
A few volunteers are needed to help greet and direct folks to the different areas where events will take place. If you are interested in helping, please email Kiki Cheney at kiki.cheney@stphilipstucson.org.
8:30am Church doors open
9:00am Blessing of the animals service and individual blessings
10:00am Blessing of the Pollinator Garden (in front of the church office’s east entrance)
10:30am Presentation by The Rev’d Laurie Brock (equestrian, author, Episcopal priest, and former attorney) followed by refreshments and fellowship
In her latest novel, God, Grace, and Horses—Life lessons from the saddle, Laurie Brock, Episcopal priest, messy Christian, and horse lover, shares the experiences of love, grief, humility, joy, and deep wisdom that she discovers day to day with horses. From barely-there trails in the Grand Tetons to muddy fields in the Kentucky Bluegrass, God is revealed in the simple ways of these magnificent creatures. For anyone feeling doubtful, distracted, or anxious in these challenging times, Laurie brings us back to center, reminding us to breathe, get back on the saddle, and move beyond the familiar into the freedom of something new.